Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Our first trip to West Bay

This past weekend Eric and I had an absolute blast! On Saturday we joined the Director of Development, Kelly, for lunch along with her husband, Luiz, and their son, Justin. Their house is beautiful - a small 2-bedroom cottage overlooking the ocean in Sandy Bay. Kelly cooked us a wonderful island style lunch with chicken, yams, and spinach. Afterwards we went for a walk on the beach and watched the dolphins jump and train at Anthoney's Key.

Saturday afternoon we took a water taxi over to West Bay. It's a beautiful area full of resorts - very much like Maui or any Hawaii resorts. We had dinner at a restaurant called Thirsty Turtle and listened to some great live music. We had a wonderful time until we tried to go home and found out a taxi back was going to cost $20! It didn't dissuade us too much though, we went back the next day because volunteers get to use the facilities there for free on Sundays. We can use the beach chairs as well as the pool (which, I must note, as a swim up bar). It's pretty nice - one day a week we get to feel like we are actually on vacation!

Otherwise, I don't have a lot of new information to update everyone with. Eric was feeling a bit sick on Sunday and did not go to work Monday, but he is now feeling much better and returned to work today. It's going to be a busy week for him - the other pediatrician took the week off for vacation so Eric will be running the show!

I don't have much else to fill you all in on right now. We have the day off at the clinic on Thursday, July 4th, so we are going to help at a carnival to raise money for the clinic. I'll be sure to take plenty of pictures!

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