Saturday, June 29, 2013


I've been promising more pictures and we finally got some downloaded, so this will be a mostly visual post :)

We ran out of food one night so we threw everything we had left in a pot. Rice, beans, cream of mushroom soup, yucca, carrots, onions, peppers.... and hot dogs. I wouldn't recommend it. Don't try this at home folks. Eric and I affectionately referred to it as "Roatan Glop."

Below are a couple pictures from the big fundraiser we had last weekend at Gumba Limba park. It was a beautiful venue - but what you can't see are the bats that were living in the top of the dome...

Below is the check-in booth where we were also selling boot-legged DVDs! It's actually the only way to buy movies here so everybody is fine with it. Next to me is Maggie, a first year medical student from Kansas, and Luna, the little dog of the Director of Development. 

Below is a picture of me with the Director of Development, Kelly. Kelly is married to a local. She worked on the Honduran mainland for years before moving here last year.

All the volunteers walking home after the fundraiser! Tough walk :)

Below are a bunch of pictures from the school we went to last week to do eye exams. There are pictures of the outside of the school, the cement courtyard where they have "recess," and some of  the volunteers doing the actual eye exams. They are also in the midst of building the island's first gym here - so far it has a floor and walls!

Some of the other volunteers we are with: David is in all black and closest to the camera, Cassie is sitting at the table in the purple shirt and next to her in black is Kate. Then you'll see me standing on the other side of the table in the pink dress.

 Just a random picture because I wanted to be sure Eric's handsome face got to make an appearance in the photo blog!
That's all for now! We are heading over in a few hours to Kelly's house (the Director of Development) to play with her son (he is 2) and have lunch. We'll also get to hang out more with her husband, Luiz, who we met at the fundraiser and really enjoyed. She lives in Sandy Bay which is the community where the clinic is located. We don't really have plans for the afternoon but tomorrow we finally will get to go to West Bay and see this beautiful beach everyone keeps talking about. We miss you all and are thinking of everyone often. We'll be in touch soon!

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