Tuesday, August 6, 2013

$4 million in donated medications from Direct Relief International

This will be a relatively short post, but I wanted to share some exciting news! We have been waiting for months for a shipment to come in from Direct Relief International that we knew was holding a ton of donated medications. The clinic was fully stocked with meds when Eric and I arrived in June but the supply has slowly dwindled and they have been running out of even the most basic and necessary medications.  Today, the medicine finally arrived - $4 million dollars worth! They were all donated to Miss Peggy at Clnica Esperanza, but she in turn donated some of the medications to other clinics and hospitals in Roatan and on the Honduras mainland that needed them. The medications were taken from the ship and put in the parking lot of a church where they were separated into 9 different piles. Each pile was to go to a different hospital or clinic that was scheduled to receive some of the donated meds. Below are some pictures of the medications that came to the Clinic - we could not BELIEVE how many materials arrived! The bottom pictures is all of the medications once they had been unloaded into a waiting room that we are currently using as a storage room as well.

The website for the organization if you want to check it out is www.directrelief.org if you want to check it out. It's a non-profit organization that was founded in 1948 and it serves both the U.S. and international communities when faced with extreme poverty, civil unrest,  and/or natural disasters. They are a non-partisan group and most of the donations they make to places such as Clinica Esperanza are made possible by donations that were originally made from pharmaceutical companies and medical equipment manufacturers. We are really excited and so thankful to Direct Relief International for their donation!

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